I've shared on this blog before that adoption holds a special place in my heart. For one - I am adopted. For two, my dad was adopted and so was his brother, and so was his biological sister whom sought him out years and years later. Adoption is a huge part of my family and I know if my husband and I were not able to bear children, we would have gone down that path as well. The Nadar family featured in this blog have one biological three year old son, Jackson, and in September they adopted Tyson. They felt the calling to adopt and help a child who needed a good home. They were notified of Tyson's arrival somewhat out of nowhere (Stephanie had just arrived in Chicago for a work function and had to turn around and drive all the way back) and off they went to the hospital to see their new baby boy. And in a flash, they were a family of four.
My heart is so happy there are people out there like the Nadar's and my mom and dad, and my grandparents that were so open to adoption. They took a child in that is not their flesh and blood but they love them with the same fierceness. I always say it must be scary to adopt because you never know what you are going to get...I can say that because I'm adopted. (: But I hope that Tyson will never feel left out or different in any way because of that. I've embraced being adopted and I hope he grows up feeling the same way. We're lucky. We're loved. We found a home.
Now on to the cuteness. The pics of Jackson and Tyson are priceless - brothers for life.
Thank you so much to the Nadar family for trusting me to document such a special time in your lives. If you are looking for a maternity or newborn photographer in the Indianapolis area, please contact me at kellymartinphotos@gmail.com or 765-749-4388.